

Dremel Premium Dealer

Founded in 1932, Dremel manufacture compact high speed rotary tools, bits and attachments. The tools carry a 2 year warranty and can be used for hundreds of jobs throughout the home, office, garden, garage, shed and workshop.

Dremels are used all over the world and have become synoymous with high speed rotary multitools. Applications such as sanding, engraving, routing, carving, grinding, cutting, polishing and cleaning are made easier with so much speed at hand. Whereas a 'regular' drill may spin up to 1500rpm, Dremels tend to operate at much higher speeds (up to 35,000 rpm) so let the speed do the work.

We have over 150 Dremel products available online - if you know what you want, enter the Dremel code into the search box at the top of the page. All Dremel items direct to you from a Dremel Premium Dealer.

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